Monday 26 May 2008

Recovery ride

I know in theory a gentle recovery ride the day after a big effort is meant to help, so out I went yesterday with Trio. Our current weather system means the wind round here is so ferocious that we had to pedal down our biggest descent. Nett result nothing gentle about the recovery ride! I'm tired today and I have sore legs. Do I brave the wind and ride to recover from the recovery ride or do I crawl back under the duvet?


Saturday 24 May 2008


Competed today in my first Duathlon, 5km run, 22km bike, 5km run. Windy day made the biking tough in places, and the running was, well, just tough to be honest. My only objective was to finish, which I did, even managing a smile as I crossed the finish line. 3 of my friends had entered the same event and we all came back to my place after for bacon butties and chocolate cake, which seemed to provide enough energy that Trio managed a quick spin on the unicycle! A really good event, a fun day all round, I'll be doing it again next year when hopefully a bit more training will mean the running won't be quite as slow!



the taper started this week. with what will be, by the end of sunday, a seven day, ten ride, three hundred and twenty five mile week. wrote that in words not figures to see if it makes it sound less stupid - it doesn't. but the sun has been shining, and i'll miss my road bike whilst i am away, and well, yes, anyhow...

i am a coach's worst nightmare, anyone wish to take me on? ;o)


Tuesday 20 May 2008


Sometimes I take the car and don't make even a short journey by bike because I think I've got too much stuff to shift or when I am commuting by bike I sometimes have a moan to myself that my bag is heavy or digging in my back. Well, I just got back from 11 days in China and never again will I question how much stuff it's possible to transport by pedal power!


Saturday 10 May 2008

dear diary

ssuk - came and went.
the week - long and hard.
today - sunburnt and dusty.
tomorrow - more and cake.


Sunday 4 May 2008


Just back from SSUK. Lots of fun. Tough course, way too many roots for my limited skills, but I was still smiling at the end. Met some great people, had a lot of laughs and looking forward to next year already!


Friday 2 May 2008

Final Preparation

Trip to Tesco, final preparation for SSUK.


Thursday 1 May 2008

that is all.

Bored. With. Rain.