Thursday 31 July 2008

Much needed........

First ride in ages as I've had a lot of family stuff going on. I don't think I realised just how badly I needed a ride until Trio came to meet me this morning. A nice 40 mile mostly road ride, I say mostly road as we had a few gravel sections and a wooden bridge for extra fun. We also found cracking pub for a lunch stop for a huge feed and a pint. A really good day!


Sunday 20 July 2008


So. Portland. Shall I start by saying that I really, really like it here and if there is anyone in the vicinity willing to swap a green card for baked goods and/or mechanicing then speak up now because I want to stay. Forever. This place is what Brighton should be like but never will be, because the British lack the generosity of spirit that leads to small miracles like cars actually giving way to pedestrians on crosswalks and saying good morning to strangers like it really is.

Small neighbourhoods with unique atmospheres linked by quiet, beautiful residential streets. Bikes everywhere, of all sorts, mostly ridden confidently by people of all ages and demographics who exude their right to share the roads and hence have little trouble from other users. Segregated cycle paths where the pedestrians habitually keep on their portion and leave the cyclists to travel at a practical speed on their own (generous) side. A public transport network that's cheap, reliable and covers pretty much everywhere you might want to go. Great coffee, bakeries and shops of all sorts, all over the place and mostly open until sociable hours, beautiful architecture, I could go on...

Oh yes and Sunday morning was whiled away in the company of a brace of Speedvagens and one Vanilla (with chipped paint), leaning up against the window of the coffee shop whilst some Gentle Lovers riders massed for their weekend ride (they of the much-loved should-be-wrong-but-is-so-right pink/red/white kit). I nearly pinched myself...

If there was mountain biking from the door, this would be utopia. As it is, I'm pining for my road bike, even if all I'd do with it would be cruise back and forth over the many bridges between coffee bars. I've spent the week roaming around on foot, happily covering many many miles in an attempt to offset the extreme amount of eating that's gone on (I consider it something of a mission to sample every available coffee cake, now that I've realised that coffee cake here doesn't actually have coffee in it - there's only so much sickly coffee & walnut a girl can take - but is in fact the US version of the moist, crumbly traybaked 'proper' cake I had so been missing). There is somethng very pleasant about simply ambling around with no real itinerary, visiting all the different divisions and then all the transitory bits in between that no guidebooks tell you about but will tell you more about a city than any glossy tourist guide. Waiting for a bus last night, I watched the traffic streaming off Hawthorne bridge - the rush hour was made up (literally) of as many bikes as cars and this can only be A Good Thing.

I do actually want to be riding again now, too. I haven't sat on the bike since I got here and am heading out on Thursday to ride down the coast to San Francisco, so tomorrow will be a gentle reacquaintance of backside with saddle to see how they get along, as well as a quick mechanical once-over, and the squeezing of as much air into the tyres as possible, as the route down the coast is mostly tarmac. Yes, by the time I get to Denver I am going to have forgotten how to ride off-road completely, but easy riding with big views and the occasional day lounging on the beach suits me fine right now. I just hope it stays dry...


Tuesday 15 July 2008

karamel sutra in new mexico

Haven't made it to the city yet but finally found a PC here that doesn't treat Blogger like a bad word... I've been holed up in a motel in Deming for the past couple of days, doing a David Blaine and eating lots of Ben & Jerrys whilst watching good coverage of the Tour (and you can't imagine the joy at switching it on to see the peloton climbing the familiar "Pear-Sword"...). Naps have been frequent and I'm about to push the bike all the way to the Greyhound station, because for the first time in my life I am absolutely content not to ride it.

The one thing I really, really want to say here before I start wiffling on is that I have been absolutely blown away by the support from everyone who posted here and on the GDR blog and tried to get messages to me (messages which have required much tissue usage now I've finally got to read them, and would have caused further dehydration had I actually seen them whilst still ploughing along the trail). Thank you so, so much. I knew that frequent contact with home would make finishing that much tougher when it got difficult, so kept it limited to a few phone calls and carried thoughts of you all with me to push me along.

It really didn't feel like I was riding alone a lot of the time; I would be spinning along through these incredible places and thinking of you often and feel you all with me, despite the fact that at times I would ride all day and literally not see another living thing without feathers or leaves. Some of the places on route are so huge and remote that they defy existence; and some so quiet that even talking to myself (as usual) seemed uncomfortable and so I just rode on and on in silence for hours, trying not to be scared by the solitude that I thought I would welcome.

And then there was the joy of rolling into a town to see familiar bikes leaned up against gas station walls, happy faces grinning from behind a Subway, friends made on route who I'm longing to catch up with again in one way or another. I am so pleased that Carl had a storming ride, and that the Flying Kiwi made his sub-20; and that Geoff's keeping his options open, which hopefully will encourage David to do the same... Everyone rode so well, and so hard, all with their own battles to fight and in a way even though I didn't get my own "nice round number" in the end, I kind of feel like I share in yours, if that makes sense...

Physical damage is limited to slightly numb little fingers, some rather unpleasant saddle sores and peeling skin from constant exposure to sun and wind. Amazingly, that's all. There have been no long-lasting effects from the giardia (and I was absolutely scrupulous about purifying water taken from unreliable sources, even dodgy-looking taps, so who knows where it came from...). In Abiqui I weighed in at a smidge under nine stone; horrifyingly light for me and it took a few days for the food to start getting back to where it was useful but once the calories started getting through I really felt so much better. I only wish that I'd realised something was seriously wrong sooner, rather than struggling with it for five days and then having to battle the mental blow of losing the possibility of records, too. Having headed out here aiming to finish I was incredibly surprised to find myself not only able to ride but also enjoying the big mileage days that put me in that position; readjusting to 'just' making the time cut required another mental shift (and not a little self-flagellation) but I got there in the end.

I will write more about the ride itself later (there's a rapidly filling notebook in amongst the bits and pieces of my backpack) but the final day was somewhere around 190 miles, the last ten of which were the toughest I have ever ridden in my life. Knowing that Mary's family were still waiting at the border crossing for me (when she'd finished with Stephen several hours earlier) was the only thing that stopped me curling up by the side of the road to sleep, and I am deeply grateful to them for their kindness. The rising sun burst out through the clouds as I passed the 'mile 1' sign, in a way that could not even have been scripted, and there was an ambush of emotions that sent me through relief, sadness, exhaustion, loneliness, exultation and relief in the space of ten seconds. But it really only hit me yesterday, whilst watching the mixture of emotions flowing across the face of Cadel Evans as he received his yellow jersey, that I've done it. I've finished the Great Divide Race, the toughest mountain bike race in the world.

And I feel so incredibly proud.


Sunday 13 July 2008

A phone call

I just spoke to Jenn for around half an hour. She sounds great - not even hugely tired, although she said the last 10 miles were the most challenging she's ever pedaled. She talked about days that were so hard she never wants to experience them again, and things so beautiful they made all the pain worthwhile. She misses everyone and had no idea that so may people were watching and cheering her home. It was unbelievably lovely to hear her voice. She's going to find a city in which to be anonymous for a few days and spend time reading everyone's messages and trying to get all this down on paper before the moment is lost, but immediate plans are to find food that isn't peanut M&Ms and a clean t-shirt. It was hard to say goodbye and SSWC can't come soon enough!


And she's done!

Just recieved this call from Jenn:

"Hello it's Jenn, it's 6.40am our time, or thereabouts and I'm done.... I'm finished... all the way down."

As we suspected she might do Jenn must have ridden though the night from Silver City. The biggest most congratulatory hug ever... I can't write any more words right now, anything I type just doesn't seem to match the achievement but I couldn't be happier....

Jenn's time was 22 days, 18 hours and 40 minutes and in the last 24 hours she rode 190 miles.

Jenn - I put a call though to Lorraine who was riding with the usual suspects (appropriately they were on a cake break), and I could hear the cheering down the phone. And then some muffled stuff about emotions....


Home Stretch

Jenn managed a call from Silver City at tea time on Saturday (she's probably the only rider to be happy to see rain clouds, preferring them to the heat), as she was leaving for the last stretch. She's tired and looking forward to finishing - and with a mere jaunt of 125 miles to go it won't be long now...

And we're with you every inch of the way. Listen hard and you'll hear voices whispering 'pedal, pedal, pedal!'


Friday 11 July 2008

Pie Town!

Jenn left Pie Town at 10.00am Friday morning having eaten, sent postcards and headed out without calling. Happily she went back to call because, "If I don't phone in from here, then people back home aren't going to hear from me for three days, so I had to come back, which is frustrating. I'm really tired. Big day yesterday, lots of miles, and made it into Pie Town late last night." No call for three days? I guess that means she's pushing right through to the finish now. The race blog reports that she's really tired but ready for the final 300 miles. Isn't it mad how 300 miles sounds so short now?

If the combined will of everyone following has anything to do with it you'll fly it Jenn. And then when you're done I totally reserve the right to cry. Big hugs, and don't imagine for a second that bribery by postcard will get you out of that harmonica serenade in Napa.


Call details and some enlightenment

You can hear Jenn at 11.02 minutes/seconds into the latest podcast - she sounds good and on top of things again- it's lovely to hear.

And thanks to bikerbob who's left a comment on our previous post, not only does he set the record straight about Pie Town, he sheds some light on that police incident, which is reassuring. I think.


Thursday 10 July 2008

Jenn reaches Grants

No she's not home again..... Jenn has now pedaled 200 mile since Abiquiui (sorry - wasn't she meant to be sick?) to arrive in Grants. This from the official blog tonight:

Jenn called at 3:30 p.m. Thursday from Grants. "Last night didn't go as planned," she said. "I got about 30 miles from the stretch outside Cuba when I was pulled over by a police officer and told to get off the road and get to sleep because it's not safe to be riding out here on your own." She said she pulled over and went to sleep because she was "really knackered." (Note: I'm a bit curious about this police officer incident. It's not safe to ride on the road but it is safe to lay down off the side of the road, unconscious? I'd love to hear more detail on what this strange police officer said when Jenn reaches the finish.) Anyhow, Jenn said she got some good sleep and woke up and plowed into a really big wind for most of the day - not fun on a single speed - and was spending a little while in Grants because she was not looking forward to Pie Town. "I've been hanging around Grants at a McDonalds and eating ice cream and more ice cream and food and stocking up," she said. She said she was heading out for Pie Town but didn't expect to reach Silver City until the day after tomorrow.

Pie Town, contrary to its optimistic name seems to be not good. I think it was Simon who called it the saddest town he'd ever seen. So head down, turn your face from the pie (it always seems to be closed anyway) and pedal though Jenn. You're doing great and we're all very proud. I may have to start setting fines for use of the 'proud' word, but we are. So there.


Back on track!

We were hoping the radio silence was a good thing then Pauline discovered Jenn had checked out of her motel and now look what we found on the official blog!

"Jenn called from Cuba at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. She said she had a good day with "really English weather" - billowing clouds and nice cool, breezy air with no thunderstorms. "Really glad to be pedaling again," she said. She was planning to press on toward Grants tonight, but didn't know how far she was going to get because she was "really tired." She wanted to be in Pie Town at lunchtime, "but that might be pushing it a bit given how late it is now."

Jenn sounds much better than she did during her previous call-in from Abiquiu. The antibiotics must be working to kill the infection off, but any amount of time with a stomach-purging bug would zap anyone of most of their energy and strength, let alone someone who has just ridden 1,800 miles of the Great Divide Race. Jenn mentioned she was eating everything in sight in Cuba and hoping to keep the food "where it should be." She's really excited to be back on the trail, and seems to be eyeing a strong push for the border. The distance from Cuba to Pie Town is more than 200 miles, so the fact that she's aiming for lunchtime Thursday shows she's still as determined as ever to pedal fast. A day ago she couldn't even stand up without feeling woozy, and today she pedaled 80 miles! So here's hoping she kicks the bacteria where it should be and gets her hard-earned legs back. Go Jenn, go!"

You can hear Jenn's mum at 21.38 minutes/seconds into todays podcast and Jenn herself at 23.55. She sounds fantastic and there is much giggling at the mention of all the food in Cuba - everyone go listen now!

More power to your legs Jenn - we're with you every turn of the pedals. Godspeed.


Wednesday 9 July 2008

And a thank you...

to Jill of the GDR - I've been trying to find a way to get updates about Jenn to the official race blog but couldn't - so I'm glad she managed to find us and get news up on their site. Jenn had no idea that so many people were rooting for her and the support that's coming is is doing her as much good as those damn horse pills.

And big thanks to everyone that has left messages - they get read out to Jenn until warp factor sniffle is reached... frankly I'm just regarding it as payback for all that weeping I've done at 24 hour races. And you'd better have the hug and little note that goes with it Jenn - remember, you know how to do this. And sorry I didn't loan a guardian angel that was bacteria literate...


Meanwhile...some pictures

Nothing on the podcast from Jenn today - but we have the latest from her mum as of last night. David Blaine - who rode with Jenn for a while in Colorado but ended up hospitalised in Steamboat Springs and had to stop riding, has uploaded his GDR pics to his Flickr site. And yes... there are some of Jenn. Go browse...


Tuesday 8 July 2008

Jenn still wobbly but hopeful

Jenn wasn't able to leave Abiquiui this morning as planned - due to continued major wobbling of the legs. Her mum left us this message:

"Hi! It's Pauline, Jenn's Mum again. Just been talking to Jenn (Tuesday evening). She's still in Abiquiu but has been to the medical centre. The doctors think she has a bacterial infection and she's now on antibiotics - 'the size of horse pills' she said! All being well she's hoping to get back on the bike early tomorrow. I read lots of the messages to her (until we were both sniffing into the tissues that is!) and they certainly chered her up. She couldn't believe how much support there is for her and how many people are cheering her on!"

I just spoke to Pauline again and apparently it's something called Giardia (? Dr Jon- help!) but Jenn is happy now that she knows what she's fighting and determined to finish.

And we're with you every turn of the pedal Jenn - good grief woman do you REALISE how much productivity has slumped since you started this race?

Hugs and love.


Carl Crosses the Line

Carl Hutchings finished the GDR today - anyone else going to miss listening to him on the podcast?

Monday 7 July 2008

More messages for Jenn

This was posted on the official blog - Pauline, if Jenn calls please can you pass these amazing good wishes on?

"Carl heard Jenn was feeling ill in Abiquiu wanted to send a message out her: "Whatever you do, do not pull the plug, Jenn, just take an extra day," Carl said. "You're well ahead of everything you need to be ahead of."

Kent Peterson, a 2005 Great Divide Race finisher and current holder of the singlespeed record, also wrote in with a message to Jenn. "Tell her I'm pulling for her," he said. "Remind her that if she finishes at all, she'll be the first woman single-speeder to do it but I know that I'd love to see a new overall single speed record set. I'd bet Trish wouldn't mind seeing a new women's record set either. But records aside, tell her to be as safe as she needs to be but only quit the race when she knows she's out. The clock is nothing. This is the ride of a lifetime."

If any of Jenn's friends and family read this, can you relay these messages? Let her know we're all pulling for her."

You've made a huge impact Jenn and there are more people than you could ever imagine rooting for you. 

Jenn is still sick

Jenn has had to return to Abiquiui - feeling better she tried to go on, but not being able to keep anything down didn't feel it was safe to continue so re-traced her steps. We know how much she didn't want to go backwards on the route and it sounds like she's pretty down right now. She's not sure if it's a stomach bug or the heat - whatever, it has to be bad to stop her riding.

Rest up well Jenn- feeling rubbish makes you miserable, but you still have plenty of time to finish this race and the hardest part is done. You'll know if you need to stop- and if you do, it's been the most incredible ride - but you know that too.

Big ol' get well hugs from all, and a special squeezy one from Zuzu. Now get outta there before she plays you a 'soothing' tune on the harmonica...


GDR Day Sixteen

Jenn's call is on the podcast at 25.29 minutes/seconds, she sounds despondent about the time lost to poorliness....

"Hi It's Jenn, I'm phoning from Abiquiui, it's about 2 o'clock I think on Sunday afternoon. I think I'm going to head out now because it's just started to rain and it's just got cool. Friday night - got very sick so managed about 50 miles yesterday - just dragging myself along. Rested up a bit, feel better today so going to push on a bit but don't think I'm going to be getting a sub 20. Never mind. OK, take care, bye."

Don't discount it Jenn, everyone is riding the last section relatively more speedily - and don't forget the cake effect of being near the end.... Ride like the wind! Er yes... or something...


Sunday 6 July 2008

Sunday Evening

Jenn called in at 2.00pm on Sunday - she's not with Simon as we hoped, but in Abiquiui - she got sick on Friday night and could hardly drag herself along on Saturday, managing only around 50 miles. She's feeling better now and is heading out towards Cuba. It means she's lost some time, but is still seven and half hours ahead of the women's record and 12 hours ahead of the singlespeed record. This is great of course - but Jenn, most of all we wish you better. And yay! You're in New Mexico! Everyone seems to have got sick at some point during this race so I guess it was unrealistic to hope you'd escape. I know you'll come back strong - pedal safe.



Simon's blog shows him in Abiquiui on Saturday evening - no mention of Jenn though and no call in yet either. If she's not with Simon I'm guessing she's only a few hours behind so will be in New Mexico by now. This weekend will be the toughest in terms of climbing - so more power to your legs everyone!

Meanwhile John Nobile called from Antelope Wells at 1.26pm on Saturday, meaning that he finished in 15 days, one hour and 26 minutes - beating the 2007 record by 52 minutes. John rode almost continually for the final 48 hours...


Saturday 5 July 2008

GDR: Independence Day Celebrations

By lunch time Friday Jenn was joining in 4th July celebrations at a barbecue with Simon Kennett in Platoro. They were about to head out in the early afternoon, but with 146 miles to Abiquiui, we're not expecting to hear that she's into New Mexico sometime Saturday evening. Then it's all down hill isn't it......? Ahem.

Here's what she had to say:

"Hi this is Jenn. I'm calling from Platoro - the noise you can hear in the background is the 4th July barbecue, of which we have just taken full advantage. I'm sorry I have no idea what time it was - it was about one o'clock (Friday) when we got here - so I don't know- we're heading off down the road. It's not too bad a day, not too hot, so far no thunderstorms. This is all good. Ok, bye."

All the usual words seem inadequate right now - Jenn just be happy you're leaving us speechless in the incredible execution of this - and since you can always judge how well something is going by how teary-eyed we're all getting you can assume this is off the scale. Big hug party girl - speak soon.


Friday 4 July 2008

GDR Day Fifteen

No real updates yesterday made it a long day to be hitting the 'refresh' button on iTunes... so getting up at 6.00am to discover nothing new posted on the website did induce a slight feeling of sickness. But Simon Kennet is showing as having arrived in Del Norte and as he was behind Jenn and has ridden part of the trail with her before I reckoned he must have seen her- and would mention it. So..... fast forward to Simon and yes! He uses the word 'we' at the beginning of his call so that's some relief, then finally mentions he caught up with Jenn. That's OK then, as long as I know she's with Simon it doesn't matter there's not a call. (Funny putting your faith in someone you haven't met, but he does have his own blog that his family is updating, so it is possible to virtually meet him.....) But then... and it's not reported on the updates yet, but the last call is Jenn!!!! It's at 27.33 minutes /seconds. And it's been hard.

"Hi this is Jenn. I'm phoning from Del Norte- got here about tea time today. Since yesterday - well yesterday was pretty rough after I phoned from Poncho Springs I got half way up Marshall Pass and just had to stop. Just rode into a big wall of complete exhaustion- couldn't pedal any more, so lay down and had a sleep and then dragged myself over the hill. Coasted all the way down to Sargents, got a cabin for the night, ate a lot, slept a lot and felt better today. I had good riding today, got caught in a thunderstorm out on one of the open plain bits so spent an hour under a sign board trying to shelter from it, hoping it would pass fairly soon, which it did. Pedaled off again and then at the top of the climb after that, turned round to see Simon following me up the hill, which was lovely. Having not seen anyone for five days that was really good to catch up with him, and then bumped into a local rider Steve who invited us back to stay at his place this evening, which we have done. It's been lovely, just beautiful hospitality, really lovely people so we are settling in for a night and then off tomorrow morning to tackle Indiana Pass. That's it, OK, bye."

It sounds like meeting up with someone again has lifted Jenn's spirits - she's nearly at the New Mexico border and even though there's still a lot of pedaling, the end is in sight. Get to it Jenn- you have all our love, best wishes and strength with you.


Thursday 3 July 2008

GDR Day Thirteen

A catch up day on phone calls today - Tuesday from Hartsel and Wednesday from Salida. They're both on the same podcast at 14.46 and 17.41 minutes/seconds respectively. This from Hartsel:

"Hi this is Jenn, it's 9.30pm I am in Hartsel. First thing, I'm sorry about the earlier phone in from Silverthorne. I'm finding it so hard transitioning between all these beautiful open places and then coming in to these.. just messes of construction and traffic and noise and people. It's so difficult. (Phone cuts off.) Hello, Jenn again, I'm not sure why that got cut off. Anyway today has been a good day in terms of riding- happy legs, 120 miles easy- not a problem- lovely. Head not quite with it, so ended up hanging around Breckenridge for a couple of hours having a coffee, and actually it worked quite well because I waited for the afternoon storm and then followed it up the hill and it was cool and lovely. And then stopped off at the Como Depot at the other side which is run by really lovely people, and had a really nice quick supper- and yeah pedaled over here. Riding between Como and Hartsel was just stunning, beautiful and I've just raced a huge black storm cloud over so it was really good. So I'm going to head off towards Salida, ride for an hour or so, then find a hedge to crash in."

Then from Salida- turns out she really WAS feeling apprehensive about the stretch over to Del Norte. Has anyone else noticed how everyone else worries about the rain and mud, but the UK riders hate the heat?

"Hey this is Jenn, I'm in Salida, I'm about to leave, it's ten past twelve (Wednesday). I am feeling really apprehensive about the stretch over to Del Norte mostly because it's so hot. But I've been into the bike store, had the bike sorted out (inaudible)... changed so I can actually pedal it properly. They were all really lovely. I've had some good food, wandered around again. Salida is another of those places that I really don't want to leave. Yeah, I don't know, we'l see how it goes. I'll get over to the next town, stock up on some food then head out and see how far I get towards Del Norte tonight. Hopefully crack off 100 miles but that might be a little optimistic given how warm it is. I don't know, we'll see. Yeah, I'm just missing everybody. That's all I would like to say really. Take care."

She then phoned about an hour later after an encounter with a work crew that wouldn't let her through on 120.

"It's Jenn again, I'm just phoning from Poncho Springs just up the road from Salida. There's a work crew lane of fresh tarmac on 120 so back tracked and went up I50. I guess outside of working hours you can probably get through but they would not let me through, they wouldn't even let me through on the verge, so there we go. Bye."

Hang in there Jenn - we miss you too but we're lucky we get to hear your voice and it's a bit like an extended between-laps commentary on a 24 hour race with happy laps and the not so great crappy laps. Just know that there's lots of us secretly sneaking in and filling your thermos mug with hot tea in the small hours because we know you can do this. Big, big hugs - now get back out there - and take a bit of this love with you. It has magic pedaling powers.


PS Check the leader board everyone...

Wednesday 2 July 2008

GDR Day Twelve: Part Two

Jenn called in from Salida at 12.10pm and is now heading for Del Norte - hoping to eat into 100 of the 154 miles it takes to get there. It sounds like the heat is intense - although because we haven't heard the call ourselves we're not sure whether she's really apprehensive or just sounding British.... Unsurprisingly she'd just eaten and been to the bike shop. Yay- two favourite activities!!

As soon as the podcast is up we'll publish the timings.

Soundtrack for today... með suð í eyrum, sigur rós.


GDR Day Twelve

By 9.30pm Tuesday Jenn had reached Hartsel after an a good days riding of 120 miles. The good news is that she's reporting 'happy legs' and managed to miss a storm by hanging around in Breckenridge for a while. (I don't know... any excuse). That call isn't on the podcast yet but her Tuesday morning phone in from Silverthorne is at 14.14 minutes/ seconds...

"Hello it's Jenn, I am just about to leave Silverthorne. It's about 11.00am or just gone 11.00am - I'm not sure what the time is as usual. Yeah, yesterday was really tough, the section down to the Colorado River and up again was just horrific and I got caught in a huge wind storm coming up from the Colorado which was, you know hard to push the bike up the hill, let alone ride it slowly. It was hard work. I stopped at Kremmling last night and wasn't expecting to see anybody, but found Geoff, which was lovely because we got to chat. It was really nice to see somebody because I have a feeling I'm not going to be seeing many people from now because I think there are people behind and people in front but I think I'm in the gap in the middle, so I shall see how far I get today - try to get over the _ Pass before it gets too hot. OK, cheers, Bye."

Jenn- you are doing this with such grace and style. Here's to more happy pedaling.


Tuesday 1 July 2008

GDR Day Eleven

Jenn's in Silverthorne!!! (Does a little dance, sings a little song.) She had a tough day Monday, getting caught in a huge windstorm - but she did manage to have dinner with Geoff Roes, who ended his race yesterday. We'll post the call in when the podcast is up (if you have time DO listen to everyone, it's impressive, humbling and not a little emotional), but she commented that she doesn't think she'll have too much chance to see other riders from now on because there's a group behind her and a group in front and she's in the middle. WELL JUST RIDE FASTER WOMAN... and then you'll catch them up. See how easy it is when you're sitting home in front of a computer? Seriously, Jenn isn't that far behind Ranier and Carl and if her knee holds out and she can keep pace, to quote the update site, the women's record and the singlespeed record are in danger.

Jenn, you'll be happy to hear that Lorraine and I are currently having a virtual sob fest via email. Oh we're gonna make you pay for this.....


GDR Day Ten / Eleven

Jenn made it to Steamboat Springs by early Monday morning - calling in from there at 8.20am. This means that she's over half way now in terms of distance. Yay!!! Funnily enough she was waiting for food.... she still sounds strong, if a little tired (no really?) and says she's having trouble with one of her knees. Here she is...

" Hi there, it's Jenn, it's... oh lets have a look.... it's twenty past eight (Monday). I am in Steamboat Springs. I got into Steamboat Lake late last night- there is a recurring theme here, so I'm waiting for a big breakfast at Renona's (sp?) and I've just seen the pastries counter so I'm going to have a very full bag when I leave. Yesterday was gorgeous - got back to trees again. Trees are great! You don't know how good trees are until you don't see any for two days. Really lovely riding. I've got a bit of a troublesome left knee though so unfortunately I'm going to have to take it a little bit easy today. So anyway, bye."

Not sure how worried to be about 'troublesome'. Jenn sounds cool about it, but then she would. Other riders were getting to the next check in, Silverthorne late afternoon, so if Jenn's having a gentler ride I'm expecting to hear that she arrived later in the evening but that won't be until tomorrow's broadcast.

Healing vibes to that knee....
