Monday 30 June 2008

GDR Day Nine and a half

Jenn put in 160 miles on Saturday to arrive in Rawlins around 11pm. She sounds tired, but there was a reason behind all that pedaling...

"Hi its Jenn, I'm in Rawlins. Got in late last night about 11.00pm. Ended up doing the whole of the Basin in one go, which started from South Pass so it ended up being 160 mile day so I'm feeling a bit rough today. In retrospect probably a bit of a stupid thing to do but that place was so unbelievably horrible, so desolate and everything about it I just hated and wanted to be out of there. So it's done and out of the way. I'm going to have an easy day today, just 100 miles., get lots of food because I didn't really eat much yesterday, feeling a bit shaky. Just done a gas station raid... a convenience store raid and I'm going to find a diner and head out. OK, bye."

The call is at 17.49 minutes/seconds into the podcast and despite the tiredness and hunger Jenn sounds in good shape. Sitting here drinking tea and marveling at the fact that 100 mile day could ever be considered easy.... and desperate for the next update of course.

I'm not often lost for words Jenn, but it's hard to articulate just how awesome we think you are right now. Eat, drink, sleep. Ride your bike.



Anonymous said...

Heading into Colorado! Way to go Jenn :o)
I can't wait to see you...(promise I won't be too high pitched!)

Ginger Cyclist x

PS Nigel pushed me off my bike and I gouged my elbow out on gravel! ...ok, so I fudged a small descent and fell! I was going for the drama ;p

Anonymous said...

GO JENN...GO...!!!

YOU ROCK....xxxx

jumbly said...

Love listening to Jenn's reports, she makes it all sound like she's just out for a gentle pedal!

Fi said...

Hi Jenn - if you pick these up. Everyone in Bristol (well everyone I meet) is gunning for you. Go girl. You might feel alone at times but believe me you're not. The whole mtb community back here is crossing everything every day when we turn on our computers to get your update. I can't wait to hear the stories.

